New Beginnings is a charity that helps women who have fallen onto a state of poverty. They not only train these amazing women with new and improved skills, but they help them support their children while assisting in their transition to a state of self-sufficiency. This charity is in one word: AMAZING!
New Beginnings represents to me 'what could've been' and 'what could be'; let me explain. Growing up, my single mother had to work three jobs to make ends meet. Although we were never in a state of poverty, it was only because she worked her butt off so that we did not lack a single thing. The result, she missed out on a lot of our extra-curricular activities. If New Beginnings existed then, that may have been different. Today, having my own family, my own business and like almost everyone else more debt than is comfortable, I see how easy it to get to a state where things are out of your control. It doesn't take much people. This is why my involvement in this fundraiser is so deep for me and I've been determined from day one to make it exceptional and try my best to raise a whopping 30K. That's my ultimate goal!
Along with me, there are some amazing sponsors and vendors that are making this event incredible!

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